Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Oppertunities


Town Government needs citizens to give of their time and talents serving the Town of Rehoboth.
A Talent Bank has been established as a means of compiling a list of interested citizens willing to serve, on a
voluntary basis, on a variety of boards and committees.
Some boards meet often--some require less time--and some are busy at different times of the year.
From time to time, there is also a need for advisory committees or sub-committees appointed to work on a specific project.
If you are interested in serving, please fill out a Talent Bank Form. Return the completed form and resume to:
Town Administrator/BOS Office, Town of Rehoboth, 340 Anawan Street, Rehoboth, MA 02769 - Email to
darruda@rehobothma.gov or Fax to 508-252-5342.
Thank You!
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